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Headline:Your country needs lerts!
Category:Male seeking female, age: 33
Relationship:partners in crime
Current location:London
Graduated from:UCL
Other:Non-smoker,  Height: 184 (6'0")
Photo is privateSorry, this photograph is only visible to members of the site who are logged in, and displaying a photograph of their own.
 Additional attributes:
Looks:Medium, wavy, dark brown hair and brown eyes
Religious views:
Strength of belief,
Affiliation (faith)
Atheist, Flying Spaghetti Monsterist
Religious views:
Strength of belief,
Affiliation (faith)
Music:Classical, Opera, Jazz, Rock 'n' Roll, Pop, Latin
Humour:Puns, Slapstick, Erudite allusions, Shaggy-Dog stories, Irony, Bawdy/Risqué jokes, Specific In-jokes, Parody, Musical/Visual Gags, Lolcats, Why did the [object] do the [activity]?, Lawyer Jokes
fitzwilliam's current relationship status (traffic-light)
Yellow/Green - Perhaps
fitzwilliam's current relationship status (traffic-light)
Looking for
fitzwilliam is looking for...
Friendship, Flirting, Casual/Fling, Long-Term, Serious/Family, "Mischief"
fitzwilliam is looking for...
fitzwilliam's favourite cuisine, beverage, and ice-cream flavour
I can cook
fitzwilliam's favourite cuisine, beverage, and ice-cream flavour
Operating System of choice
Mac OS X
Operating System of choice
fitzwilliam interprets 'Come back for coffee' to mean:
Freshly brewed coffee (and chocolates, possible snuggle).
fitzwilliam interprets 'Come back for coffee' to mean:
The effect of alcohol is  to make fitzwilliam...
The effect of alcohol is  to make fitzwilliam...

Update: Only occasionally in London though. Recently became single. I'm probably in a rebound frame of mind and therefore should be avoided. On the other hand, who knows?

Hair is shorter than in pic. That's just how bad it can get if left unchecked -- old photo, new one back soon.

Maths graduate, but also pianist and (though I shudder to admit it) wannabe novelist.

The tallness and the darkness are offset by hair that has a tendency to fluff. (The picture is the extreme case. If you're not put off by that...)
(STOP PRESS. Hair currently defluffed and shorn. Updated picture pending. For fans of the fluff, it will return.)

I'm a bit vague when it comes to stuff I like. Art, films, music, books -- surely everyone like that sort of thing, right?

To be a bit more specific... Art: Titian, but also Mondrian. Throw in Dali and Degas too, and also poster boys like Muscha and Cassandre.
Music: I did the whole piano thing as a kid. I still like Schubert. Mozart I find too fiddly, but like listening to. These days I play jazz, like an archetypal classical music rebel.
Comedy: Radio 4 and the Marx Brothers.
Books: it's safe to say I'll read just about anything except Dan Brown, whose books should be burnt.
Film: I love weird stuff, like Delicatessen or I Heart Huckabees. I like action flicks like X-Men. And I'm not averse to chick flicks either.

I'm looking for... I don't know. Someone who'll make me laugh? That's a good place to start.

art, being evil, cats, comedy, film, good food, opera, piano, sarcasm, swimming, walking
