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Frequently Asked Questions

This section is part of the WarwickRomance.org.uk online help system. (show contents). You can also view the entire document as a single very long page.

For whom is WarwickRomance intended?

WarwickRomance.org.uk exists "specifically for students of Warwick University." The raison d'ĂȘtre of the site is to help Warwick students to meet other Warwick students, and WaRo's greatest strength is that people can actually meet each other in person, because of the localisation. WarwickRomance is principally intended for undergraduates and postgraduates, but is also open to any other members of the University, and to recent alumni, currently resident in Warwick. The site is not intended for residents of Warwick who are not associated with the University, nor for members of other universities. We believe that we owe it to our members to insist upon this.

  • For University authentication, please sign up with your '@warwick.ac.uk' email address. If this causes you problems (for example, visiting fellows and exchange students), please do email one of the Warwick University team who will fix this for you.
  • We are launching sister sites at other Universities. So far, these can be found at https://ruo3.org. If you would like one at your own University, please email Cupid. (We will do the website; you will need to organise the publicity.)
  • We apologise to anyone disappointed as a result. We think that it's for the best. Also, try GraduateRomance.org.uk.
  • Of course, everyone is welcome, irrespective of diversity in non-heteronormative gender, or other modes of courtship.
  • To clarify: senior members of the University are, of course welcome here, as are Alumni; please do mention this explicitly in your profile.

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