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Frequently Asked QuestionsThis section is part of the OxfordRomance.org.uk online help system. (show contents). You can also view the entire document as a single very long page. HTML formatting of profiles and messagesHTML formatting tags can be used to add variety to descriptions and messages, by changing colour/style/layout, adding smileys: , and àçcéñtèd characters. Tags can either be entered directly (e.g. "<b>bold text</b>" ) or, for the most common ones, use the HTML "widget" (click the button). Accented characters are entered like "é". Use the spell-checker to preview your HTML. The HTML guide has an explanation of HTML, a complete list of possible tags and smilies, and a test area. All invalid tags will be rendered as literal plain text.
Photographs may be uploaded and stored on our server; you can then choose whether to embed them in your profile. Note: certain tags cannot be used, because they pose potential security risks. For example, </table> (breaking out of the user-content area), <mailto:> (email), <img> (image), <script> (javascript) or <a> (links). These tags will be treated like pseudo-tags (eg '<irony>') and rendered in plain-text. For more details, see the HTML guide. [ ↑ contents] |