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Testimonials and Success stories

So far, we have heard of at least 443 success stories and have been responsible for at least 16 weddings! These are just the ones we know about... if OxfordRomance has had any impact on your life which you'd like to share with others, please let us know. Also, might we remind people of the T&C section #9 (the one about cake).

Some of the things we have heard and that people have said are below: all quotations are verbatim (except for minor editing for clarity/conciseness). We have only given one letter, for anonymity, except where people have agreed to give their real names/pseudonyms. Successes are listed in reverse date order, from 2024 to 2000. [Show terse stories also.]

  • October 8th:  RM says that she "met my boyfriend 7 months ago on this website. It's been great fun, and I'd really recommend using this website!"
  • October 7th:  Another Speed Dating success: X says: "I met my boyfriend nearly two years ago at speed dating. Never thought I'd enjoy that kind of thing, but it was actually really fun, and all worked out for the best! Thank you!"
  • September 29th:  P writes to tell us that he and his girlfriend J "have been an item since meeting at the February speed dating event this year - thank you!"
  • December 25th:  Cupid received a Christmas card from Pocket-Sized Natsci, who writes "...I wanted to say thank you for setting up romance.ucam. I met someone on there on rainy summer in 2005, and eight years later, I cannot imagine my life without him. (We're buying a flat together this month, and intend to spend the rest of our lives together.) My life changed immeasureably for the better that day, and it's all your doing. Thank you for everything, Pocket-Sized Natsci x".
  • September 18th:  Midwinter "started writing to IA in March of this year. However, he wasted a good few months before asking her out for tea in May, which went splendidly. Wine, flowers, chocolate and the theatre followed. All very delightful. I just wish we had met earlier...". Subsequently, In Absinthia wrote: "RUO did its job too well :) Vale!"
  • July 1st:  Mark met Jessica on RUO: "She had a nice profile picture with a big smile and she liked the same sports as me. We decided to meet up. She was lovely, smart and great fun to be around. She has really been great for me."
  • June 30th:  R met "the most fascinating, and gorgeous lady at the speed dating: she's great fun to be with, loves opera, and she even bakes cakes!".
  • February 28th:  Robert "is happy to report that my husband and I met on ruo3 in 2005 and are now civilly partnered so THANK YOU for bringing us together :)"
  • February 19th:  L "found what she was looking for."
  • February 7th:  Peter and Ros met at our Speed Dating event last term: "My friends and I had a really enjoyable time, and it was also, at least from my perspective, very successful: Ros and I have been together ever since. Which translates into: really can't thank you enough!"
  • October 15th:  X and Y have a surprising amount in common...she's fascinating, and really rather gorgeous :-)"
  • October 7th:  Many congratulations to PageRunner and Smiles&Curls on their engagement. They "met through OxRo in 2007, and have now got engaged! So, thank you to all the team at OxRo :-) And here's to many more OxRo successes to come!"
  • September 17th:  Many congratulations to Northern Girl and Tall Matt on their Wedding! Heather writes: "I just wanted to let you know that thanks to Graduate Romance, I am now happily married! I reactivated my profile in December 2010 when I became single, and arranged several dates - all the while, chatting online to a very nice chap called Tall Matt who I didn't think was my type, and resisting all his suggestions that we should meet up. To cut a long story short, he eventually persuaded me, we fell very much in love on our first date in April 2011, got engaged the following March, and married on 17th September 2012. We are very happy together, and we would never have met without the website. Thank you very much!" Heather also sent us this photo for us to share with you.
  • August 23rd:  S: "thanks for the good times!"
  • June 22nd:  D and P just shared a wonderful evening together: he says: "she's fascinating and gorgeous too!"
  • June 10th:  X and her boyfriend "have been together for over 2 years now".
  • May 27th:  Many congratulations to Wayland Smithy, who writes: "Mélomane and I met on here in 2006, shortly after graduating, and have been together ever since. We got married in 2010 and have recently become parents. Thanks for your help!".
  • April 3rd:  MD found his girlfriend here and writes "I am content".
  • March 12th:  G writes: "I've found the most amazing boyf x"
  • February 15th:  R found a charming, kind, and beautiful girl to share Valentine's Day with.
  • January 27th:  Good luck to M: he says "I've found someone on RUO :-)".
  • January 9th:  Although K was unsuccessful, she writes: "I think the site is brilliant and appreciate the time and money people put into it - afterall people shouldn't profit from love like most other dating sites do! The site just wasn't for me - but keep up the great work!
  • December 2nd:  P found someone here. We wish him and his new girlfriend all the best.
  • October 11th:  9 leaves us, saying she found someone here...and is now in a different continent.
  • September 8th:  PoweredByTeaBreaks writes that he has "been with my girlfriend now since December, and realised I didn't need this account still active. " He adds: "The site's been a great service, and the fact it's free puts the pressure off you to feel like you're wasting money if you don't follow up everyone."
  • July 14th:  Ellie writes "Just thought you'd like to know that two ex-members of the site are getting married! Many thanks to romance.ucam for bringing us together! xx
  • June 23rd:  Tabitha and J@m3s are getting married!. Tabitha writes:
    My darling dollJ@m3s and I (Tabitha) are engaged and getting married! in two weeks time! Thank you RomCam! Neither of us have been happier at any point in our entire lives.
    T, J"

    "We met virtually on May 6th and in person - July 11th in Oxford (where I was studying at the time, tho' registered at Cam). It really was an immediate joy to see each other and there undoubtedly was a 'click'.
    We are having the civil ceremony a year to the day we first met -- July 11th. Church wedding/party to follow a bit later, poss. in November/December. We were hoping to celebrate at Madingley Hall if we can possibly scrape together the cash.
    The proposal was lovely - surprise train down to London then to Tonbridge and subsequent secret taxi ride to a beautiful little church in a wheat field, a place called Tudeley. Upon entering the - beautiful stained glass windows by Chagall who happens to be one of my favorites. Down on one knee with a ring!
    We celebrated this lovely little event by a lake (spotted by J@m3s on google earth) a few minutes' walk across the field with a champagne-y picnic.
    We are both so grateful to have found one another. I should add, though, that this event has pretty much eclipsed our theses!
  • June 28th:  U leaves us; she writes "I love it, I've found the love of my life."
  • May 13th:  James and Hannah are now engaged! They "met on RUO and, after communicating daily for over a month, met for a picnic by the Cam at the start of Easter Term 2006. We've been together ever since, and living together since 2009. Thanks RUO."
  • April 14th:  Q writes "Thank you for the site! I am happier now than I have ever been and it is all thanks to cupid, joined on a whim but found love! :-)". His girlfriend, A writes "Thanks RUO I have met someone lovely :)"
  • March 8th:  B and R met on RUO back in 2003, while discussing music and philosophy. She and he have been close friends ever since, though they still haven't met in person.
  • February 11th:  P writes that she "met my boyfriend on here and we've been dating for over eleven months now and I couldn't be happier!"
  • January 19th:  Many Congratulations to G and S on their engagement. Twelve dozen roses and a hundred candles were involved in the proposal :-)
  • November 2nd:  N claims that he: "met 17 lovers through this website, including one long-term girlfriend, and have maintained lasting friendships with 13 of them" (!!)
  • October 21st:  U has, over the years, "met a girl who has become one of my most steadfast friends", also "in my second year, the site secured me my first girlfriend. It was a fantastically tempestuous romance that lasted some six stormy and passionate months." He writes "thanks for the exciting site! ... Without that sense of security that I needed, I would probably never have had a girlfriend"
  • September 26th:  Many congratulations to David and Natalie, who are getting married next July! Natalie says: "thanks to Graduate Romance, I met and will be marrying my gorgeous fiance Dave in summer 2011. Thanks Cupid!!!"
  • June 26th:  Theinvisiblegirl met someone here, and leaves, writing: "fell in love :) don't need you anymore cupid :P"
  • March 15th:  R met SH: one of the sweetest girls he has ever had the pleasure to snuggle with.
  • February 19th:  Leonora writes: "Ox Rom is a great networking site, and I made some lifelong friends through it. One girl who'd been in my year and college since first year, I became friends with through the site, and now we are absolutely inseparable whereas we would probably not have even met otherwise, as we hung round in different circles. So cheers for the site!"
  • May 12th:  F met someone elsewhere; in leaving, she writes: "Thanks lots for everything - met so many really nice people on here over the years :)"
  • April 22nd:  K departs due to exams, writing: "It's my last exam term, so I thought I'd call it a day. I'm still single, but I've had some good times thanks to this site. Thanks for everything :)
  • April 3rd:  Good luck to Stevie, who writes: "I'm very happy with the person I have met through here, and so see no point in continuing to recieve e-mails from this site.
  • March 1st:  make my day had his day duly made :-)
  • December 30th:  Good luck to D B and C who found each other here.
  • October 26th:  Great site, was good fun, met good people :)
  • October 25th:  E says she "met a lovely man (although our relationship has now finished) Still, we had great times together."
  • September 17th:  We're really happy at the moment. So thanks lots!
  • July 2nd:  YorkshireTerrier writes:
    "Hello Cupid! Thank you for many a happy year chatting to people on here. I've been a member since 2001, so must be one of your longest serving! Always used this thing just to chat away randomly but I eventually found my special person on here and we've been together now for 5 months. Thanks for the last 7 years! I'm signing away for good."
  • June 18th:  I have made an amazing new friend too ... Thanks so much for the awesome site!
  • June 5th:  Ruby Slippers flew back to Princeton. She had met Richard at the Speed Dating 6 months earlier; both were very sad to say goodbye, and will remain close friends.
  • May 13th:  Kay "found someone here three years ago, who I am still happily with!"
  • March 22nd:  Anna graduates, saying: "I've also not been using the site for a couple of years since meeting a very lovely man here. Thank you for all of your work in keeping ruo running, it's made a huge difference to both of us. And best of luck in your own search."
  • March 4th:  L "Met a great woman and it seems that the attraction is mutual! It's early days, but I think that the situation has legs"
  • February 5th:  Etzel and Lizzie write:
    " We got in contact with each other through this page. We are both quite shy and joined Graduate romance, however with little faith in it being successful in finding a partner. We were prooved wrong and we are still very amazed about the fact that we found each other. We thank Graduate Romance for its great service."
  • January 6th:  The Real JK and Sabrina_Fair, former members of OxRo, are thrilled to announce their engagement as of the 6th January 2008. They would like to thank OxRo for bringing them together and wish the same happiness to all other e-daters.
  • October 13th:  Great site, have met wonderful people (including a former boyfriend)
  • September 22nd:  jaminino "met quite a few lovely people and one person who has become one of my best friends - no romance but it's still been really worthwhile! Thanks very much :)"
  • September 22nd:  Thanks RUO for some good acquaintances during my 5 years in Cambridge, keep up the good work - the site keeps getting better and better! :)
  • August 5th:  This site is so well run - how it should be. I met a really great guy! Thank you so much Cupid!
  • June 21st:  S was invited to the Magdalene May Ball by R and they had a wonderful and elegant evening together.
  • May 18th:  Thank you!! :)
  • May 25th:  L writes to say goodbye and that she "me a really really great guy who is so like me... it's early stages yet but we'll have to see. Thank you! L xxxxxxxxx"
  • March 11th:  Never write off Ox Ro. Persistence in my case eventually paid off with someone who fulfills what were my wildest dreams.
  • March 2nd:  Inamorato writes: "Thank you for a great service - you really are changing peoples' lives here! I've met the perfect girl on ruo and we're just coming up to our first year together. Best wishes with the future of the site, long may it continue :)"
  • December 26th:  sciencechick: "I met someone great - thanks!"
  • December 26th:  after a few horrible experiences, i've finally found someone amazing! thank you!
  • November 23rd:  WindyCity writes that she "found the love of my life on oxro :) thanks!"
  • November 21st:  i found someone nice [on RUO], and want to give them my full attention!
  • November 20th:  M "Found someone at a RUO speed dating event."
  • November 2nd:  Ailsa "found a wonderful guy on here, and we've both decided to delete our accounts."
  • July 24th:  Goldstandard "met someone on this site and it is looking very promising. Will keep you posted."
  • July 13th:  Luckypiece says "I met someone, on Grad Ro, and [so] have no more interest in being on the site. I think it is excellent, by the way. A great way to meet people."
  • June 30th:  Moluccas says: "thanks for making a great site - got me hot dates, a vet to play squash with and learnt me a bit of scotish dancing".
  • May 13th:  Thank you for this lovely site! Rachel x.
  • April 19th:  Richard has fallen in love with Charcoal Rose. She's fiercely intelligent, utterly gorgeous, and makes him go completely weak at the knees.
  • March 14th:  Congratulations to Fifi and Rockman. She writes: "I've found a wonderful bloke on here. Thank you DuRo!". He writes "Yay I found fifi and she is amazing! :-D".
  • March 2nd:  What Sweeter Music "found the same person again actually.... thankyou"
  • February 23rd:  We're quite proud of this - in a computer-scientist type of way - Romance.al.cl.cam.ac.uk (this server) has now been running continuously for over 500 days without a reboot. Penguins are good for you! Thanks to the Cambridge Computer Lab for their hosting over the last 2 years.
  • February 14th:  14 February: We are delighted to pass on the following news, with our congratulations:
    "Sabrina_Fair would like the world to know she has fallen for The Real JK, having met him on OxRo over 4 months ago. They are very happy together and she would like to thank the Oxford Cupid for uniting them and to wish all those looking for love as much romance, passion and blissful companionship as she has now found. Thank you OxRo!!!"
  • January 30th:  Excellent site!! Would def recommend this to all singletons.....
  • January 30th:  Vixstar and rock god are now an item. She writes: "Loved the site!! Maybe I will return at a future date, but have presently meet someone (rock god) on this site and fallen in love!!! Many many thanks Cupid".
  • January 11th:  Have had 3 dates thru the site, one of which was fun and the other very fun (!)
  • November 18th:  "i had some good times and met some good ppl, some of whom i'm still friends with. thanks"
  • November 9th:  Pyro has "Been dating someone from RUO for a year now :-) Not sure where it will go, but it's been great. Thanks!"
  • November 8th:  The Real JK and sabrina_fair have been together over a month and are currently having a wonderful time.
  • September 29th:  Congratulations to Stefan and SweetHeart on their engagement! They write: "We met on Romance.org in May 2004 and quickly came inseparable. Since then things have just got better and better and we are now engaged. We just wanted to say thank you, as without you, or the site we would probably never have met!"
  • October 26th:  C writes: "I've achieved my main purpose in joining the site - that is, 'meeting' a few Oxford ladies so I could feel comfortable going to my first RL graduate lesbian social... So cheers for the help, and bye :-)"
  • October 21st:  FullOfStars writes that he "found his girlfriend on RUO, before leaving for the rolling hills of Durham about 6 months ago. We're still together by the way --- it's all far too splendid for words :-)"
  • September 22nd:  Japonica writes that she "met someone through DurhamRomance, and so I no longer need an account on here. He's not the love of my life (yet), but he's definitely very very very lovely, and thank you very much for letting me find him."
  • August 9th:  K "found someone (on RUO :o))... it has been a wonderful couple of months"
  • August 9th:  Made a good friend through EdRom - thanks.
  • August 2nd:  WTIUM writes that she "did, however meet a lovely girl (sort of) on here who I've been going out with for the past five months so give yourselves a big pat on the back :)"
  • July 1st:  Magneto says: "Cheers Cupid. Made some great friends through this site and had some great sex too! May good fortune be your constant companion."
  • June 24th:  Well, I've really enjoyed the site - made a few new friends & found a lovely girlfriend through it. But it's time to graduate, so I'm saying my goodbyes while it's raining!
  • June 17th:  You guys are truly fab.
  • July 19th:  Blue Angel writes with exciting news about herself and Atb:
    Dear All,
    Having sat and mentioned this to my significant other many times I thought that I'd finally sit down and write to you wonderful people.
    You see, after a few initial dubious starts on Durham Romance I received a message from atb. We met for coffee and clicked instantly, and things went from there. We've been together for just over 2 months now. We're incredibly happy together and even though he's now graduated we're intending to make it work.
    If it wasn't for you and your website we'd never have met, seeing as we're from different colleges. We both just want to say thank you so much for giving us this opportunity to be happy and to be together.
    You do truly wonderful things with this site. Thank you again!!!
    Yours in eternal gratitude,
    Blue Angel & Atb
  • May 26th:  ingemisco departs, writing that he "met his boyfriend here ...long ago".
  • May 13th:  "I owe a lot to this website - I've got three new lady friends".
  • May 13th:  Ella writes: "I think you do a wonderful job and provide a great service. I've been a member on an off since it started up and the site was improved exponentially in that time. I met two of my girlfriends on the site and had a fantastic time with both of them"
  • April 28th:  "Found someone fantastic. Timmy+Econ85 = :o)"
  • April 27th:  21stcenturyMedea writes: "I've found a lovely boyfriend and we've been together since november."
  • April 16th:  bacardiandlime writes: "I have already (in 2 days!!) met 2 or 3 nice seeming people who I will keep emailing."
  • March 26th:  Lourdes writes:
    "I had a wonderful time during the three weeks I have been on this site. You will be happy to know that I have recommended the site to a friend of mine who has recently had her heart broken and she has been giggling and smiling ever since. However, I feel compelled to delete my account for the time being since I will be spending a lot more time in front of the computer to write-up and cannot afford the tiniest of temptations. I had met four guys, two of whose company I sincerely enjoyed...and I will be keeping in touch with them through other means. Again, many thanks...I may return late April :-) Happy Easter!"
  • March 16th:  lost and Kaleidoscope Eyes meet one another on DurhamRomance
  • March 12th:  Excellent news from starry-eyed wonder. She writes: "I found the love of my life :-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD".
  • March 7th:  happy wanderer and wistful are now an item.
  • March 4th:  Alvi singer writes "I found someone else, am happy, plus I'm writing up my thesis."
  • February 22nd:  Congratulations to teaspoon who writes: "I found Abi!"
  • February 22nd:  Psyche writes that she has "met someone I want to ride into the sunset with. Thank you."
  • February 20th:  Tom writes:
    Within three weeks of joining this site I was in a committed relationship with the best girlfriend I've ever had - someone I met after just 15 days on here! I have also chatted with literally dozens of other people, five of whom I have met and one of whom has come to be a good friend.
  • February 10th:  Goodbye to Lancelot who writes:
    "Well I've been one of your most active members from my very start. I've been offered everything from casual sex to a proper relationship. And I've found the latter - with a couple of people. And yes, I'm leaving because I'm still with someone. 3 years have elapsed since I signed on for the first time. For about 2 years of that, I've been seeing people. The current person, for over a year and counting. I once got offered sex with oysters or strawberries in my college annex. I'm now thinking I might be settled for good. What can I say? I guess maybe a humble bit of thanks. And I know this place seems a bit geeky - but screw it. Meeting the right person can happen anywhere, and the more you put yourself out there, the more likely it is to happen. Believe me."
  • February 10th:  Good luck to I was a Kaleidoscope and lilac_wine who met on DurhamRomance
  • February 9th:  GI writes: "I met one of my best friends on the site (there is no romance but a sincere and longlasting friendship is also as important, so cheers for that)."
  • January 25th:  P writes that she "met one amazing guy within a day of joining".
  • January 4th:  James writes: "Been with her for nearly 2 and a half years now".
  • December 10th:  A writes: 2i had lots of fun with the site while in cambo...thanks for making one little half-soul's love-life a lot more interesting!"
  • October 29th:  T met her boyfriend on EdinburghRomance
  • October 14th:  D has "met a great girl on here and things are going great - so thanks OxRo!"
  • July 30th:  Wonderful news from *Snuggles* & Beatnik Fly:
    Just to say a great big thank you to the site for bringing us both together. We met via this site about six months ago and got engaged six weeks ago. :-D
    *Snuggles* & Beatnik Fly
    Congratulations to you both, and good luck!
  • July 24th:  UN: "Thanks very much for a great service. I found a lovely girl through here, and we're still together. You can use this as a testimonial (anonymously!)"
  • July 5th:  Moonshadows is leaving for pastures new, and says: "How cruel to be kicked off just coz I'm not in cambridge anymore. Long live graduate romance. I think I'd like to make a small donation, seeing as romance has provided me with endless entertainment - on and offline - over the past few years. [details removed]. Best wishes, N aka Moonshadows (the one who 'got laid within 5 hours of signing up. And it's all true!).
  • June 25th:  R says that she has "met a wonderful friend through this site who has helped me enormously during some particularly low points and I am grateful for having had the oppotunity to meet that person. Thanks"
  • June 12th:  This strange saga may now be revealed in full:
    Dear "Cupid", I am writing with what is perhaps an unusual request. Oxford Romance is a fantastic site and has provided me with several happy dates and a couple of fun relationships, and has served its purpose brilliantly. However, with impending exams which constitute a large proportion of my finals, this site will be my doom! I am of rather an addictive personality and am finding that I am spending increasingly large amounts of time on your website, to the point where I believe my work would improve considerably if I left the website. I know, however, that if I do this, in a moment of weakness, I shall undoubtedly rejoin (I have had 7 profiles over the past 2 terms!) and thus I am appealing to you to add me to your list of addresses which are blocked from joining the website. I appreciate that this probably sounds rather extreme, but I would be very grateful if you would do so and feel free to quote the above as a testimonial should you wish to! My email addresses that I may use to join are [details removed] and [details removed] and please block them both if possible! I may be contacted at either address should you wish to affirm that I am genuine and have not just hacked into this account or something! Many thanks for your help. Best wishes, S

    Following my email of 13th May requesting to be barred from the Oxford Romance website during my exams, I have now finished my exams. I would now be grateful if you would remove my name (S) from the list of barred names so that I can re-join the website for the rest of this term and the coming year. Many thanks again for helping earlier; it was very successful in helping me revise! Best wishes, S
  • June 8th:  Snow White met her boyfriend on EdinburghRomance.
  • June 7th:  Congratulations to beauty and brains and firebird. He writes: "I've had two dates through Ox Ro, and the second was a hit. She's absolutely fab. Unless something goes horribly wrong with the salmon I'm cooking tomorrow, this looks like the beginning of something great. Guess what? We're exactly the same age (21 days apart). Both Taurus 1971, a vintage year!! I think I postdate decimal currency, but I wonder about her....I'm already giving grief for those 21 days in the year I can taunt her about her age. Anyway, thank you. This is a really fantastic service, and why isn't it better advertised?
  • May 17th:  C says: "Thanks to your wonderful site, I have got a new boyfriend - T. You are invited to [our party]..."
  • May 10th:  Congratulations to Hockey Boy and Dr Shell! Hockey Boy writes: "I first logged onto Warwick Romance for a bit of a laugh. Instead I've ended up meeting a beautiful woman who I am lucky enough to be marrying in 2006. Thank You WR!
  • May 4th:  B writes "[I'm] addicted, I NEED TO PASS MY FINALS, and I might just have met someone (thanks Cupid, I've met some lovely and interesting men)...we'll just have to wait and see!"
  • April 29th:  Congratulations to HC and FL
  • April 17th:  Litle owl writes that she "met someone I really liked in town, and fortuitously met him on this site two months later. We are now going out and I think that's reason enough to delete my account. Thanks Ruo!
  • April 7th:  Emma and Joe write to tell of their wedding! Congratulations! They met through OxfordRomance as smalldemureandcheeky and Mr Cousteau, and became engaged a year ago. They have been travelling the world, and got married on 19th of March 2004. Good luck to you both!
  • April 12th:  please click here found this a successful choice of nickname.
  • April 2nd:  Acitore found herself a boyfriend on Oxrom.
  • March 23rd:  G met his girlfriend on RUO, "after much searching".
  • March 13th:  Good luck to R and T.
  • February 8th:  Little miss leprechaun wishes to thank us for Mr Cocteau and says "We'd love to share our smugness with the world". To quote from her profile: "...but I can say I've met someone amazing, that I feel scarily much for, and who riles me greatly then seduces me back with his beautiful eyes and by sending me lovely songs that make me cry....damnit I'm a sucker."
  • February 4th:  S says "I have met the nicest man ever on ruo and I love him to bits and made some great friends on here so now I need to quit to do some work!!!! RUO is great, not only have I made some great friends on here but i've also fallen for the most wonderful guy ever who I met on this site :)"
  • February 3rd:  Girlie writes: "Hey Cupid! remember me?! Just wanted to keep you updated! My boyfriend & I have been going out for 14 months now...we met on here waaay back last November 2002!! Like I have said loadsa times before, thanks for this website 'cos without it I would never have met him! We are still totally head over heels in love and things couldn't be better! Good luck to everyone else out there..it CAN happen! love, girlie -x-
    ps- thanks again for the puppy Rich, I have called him 'Little Richard' after you!! -x-x-x-
  • January 27th:  C and W met on RUO.
  • January 19th:  sibirtigr met her boyfriend on Oxro.
  • November 21st:  HC writes: "E of A and and I have been together 6 months now, though he's currently in America and will be for another 5 months. Also - for people wondering whether to put their photos up or not, do it! We wouldn't have met when we did if it hadn't been for our having photos up. We'd only ever chatted on here once before, for all of 10 minutes. We actually met the very next day, but it was accidental - simply recognised him in a pub, we got talking and it all went from there. He's so gorgeous I'd have probably talked to him anyway, but recognising him from here gave an instant opener! Although possibly asking someone if they're from oxfordromance isn't the coolest chat up line.... *cough*"
  • November 18th:  H says that she "also found someone on oxro though. I don't want a relationship, but in a week he has become one of my best friends - bonus!"
  • October 28th:  Many congratulations to Robert who writes: "We are about to get married- i will no longer need my account!! Thank you Oxro x".
  • October 5th:  postcard from M and A:
    Dear Cupid,

    Having a great time here in Love. Have been here for just over five months, now waiting for our permanent residency status to be confirmed. It's always warm (if not dry), the views are gorgeous and the night-life is fantastic though a little noisy. Tons of places to go and new things to try. Have enjoyed thoroughly exploring the rolling hills and the dew-laden caverns with imposing stalagmites. You should try spelunking sometime: you'd enjoy it.
    Best time we've ever had, wish you were here, lots of love,

    M and A
  • October 19th:  Kit "was starting to think I'd never get the opportunity to write an OxRo testimonial...until I met the utterly gorgeous Whiplash. Now I just seem to spend all my time walking round with a huge grin on my face, as I think about seeing her again. A sexy girlfriend and a summer of fun...what more could a guy ask for?!" Whiplash agrees: "We've been together a couple of weeks and my cheeks are starting to ache from smiling! Two very satisfied oxro users!"
  • September 17th:  C writes: "Left Oxford and met someone on Ox Rom, which is nice. Knew her before, but you can have some of the credit!!"
  • September 1st:  Congratulations to Northern Soul and his girlfriend. He writes: "I finally got round to registering on this site after umming and ahhing, and it worked better than I ever imagined. :-)".
  • September 1st:  Goodbye to Laz and Machiavellian Babe (see July 30th). She writes: "Much credit to OxRo - just when I was thinking it was doing nothing but giving me late nights and a dubious reputation, I gave "Laz" a try and the rest is history...! I have indeed found the love of my life. Thankyou!!
  • August 31st:  :o) graduates, saying: "I'm leaving Cambridge permanently *sob*. Thanks for providing a wicked site -- I've had a lot of fun from it over the last 3 yrs (off and on)."
  • August 29th:  Pandora has "finished my degree and am very happy with the man I've found so don't really need Oxrom anymore!"
  • August 27th:  Cat Woman met her boyfriend elsewhere, and departs, saying "Thanks for everything, I joined up for fun but have chatted to some really fun, lovely people... Then again, if it doesn't work out I'll have a hell of a job topping a nickname like Cat Woman...<wistful sigh>".
  • July 30th: 
    'She said "You can be as corny as you like"...!
    Well, we've been going out for two months-ish now... it feels wonderful, strange and unforgettable. And it proved to both of us that the best people only seem to turn up when you're not looking for them!
    Many thanks...
    Laz & Machiavellian Babe'
  • July 31st:  Wonderful news from Jayne: "I never thought I'd feel this way about anyone, but on here I've met my boyfriend, best friend and soul mate, all rolled into one. We're celebrating our 10 month anniversary today, and each and every day and night have been the best of my life. I want to thank him for being more than I ever could have dreamed of, and Cupid - our mutual agent :)"
  • July 29th:  B is "graduating, but am also still with the girl I met off Ox Rom over 15 months ago. So thank you Ox Rom and I wish you all success!! B"
  • July 8th:  SC writes that she has "no gossip really - no romance - just nice chats." but continues: "i've made a couple of brilliant friends off OxRom"
  • July 4th:  Fluffy Brandon "met a fabulous man on RUO, and I'm leaving Cambridge, so it's time to delete my account".
  • July 2nd:  H says "Hehe, yeah I have a few testimonials I guess. One with W, which I think you already have. Um.. another with E of A. And SW and I hit it off pretty well too, but I'd rather not put testimonials for relationship stuff up anymore.. cos its a bit weird once it ends and its still up there. But Oxro's been so awesome for friendship - P and I met through her recognising me from my oxro pic at a club and we've been inseparable every since :) so i owe u a thank you!
  • July 1st:  Girlie tells us "It is my 7 months with my boyfriend today!! (the one I met on here!) hehee!! :)"
  • June 25th:  R and B are very close friends: "She is extremely special - a wonderful and dear friend."  *  "He is a truly amazing person... the kind you meet just once in a lifetime."
  • June 10th:  We are informed that "Polar Bear and NeedleInAHaystack are very happy together and have been for a while!"
  • June 5th:  red tigress writes "I think/hope I've found someone!!! It's kind of indirectly through OxRom - I went out with a guy via OxRom, became good mates with him and his other friends, they introduced me to one of their friends...It's very early days yet, but I hope it works out."
  • May 16th:  Rebel Pixie is "seeing someone now... and ok yes- we might have met through ruo.... :) I might be back after my exams- because I think this is a wonderful wonderful site and have made some fantastic new friends here - thanks again Cupid/Richard! But revision beckons (unfortunately). xxx"
  • May 2nd:  Guidingstar writes that he has "found my soul-mate:)"
  • May 1st:  V and W have found one another here.
  • April 30th:  Edward writes: "What can I say?! I think I may be falling wildly in love.....with someone I met on here, no less. So, I guess I should tell you all to keep looking." Wannabe Bond Girl says: "Oops, looks like I'm now attached...how did that happen?! He is indeed lovely and makes me laugh a lot." "I am one very happy bunny."
  • April 29th:  OxRo works indirectly too! G says: "Well, I've found someone elsewhere but to be fair to your fantastic service I did meet her through one of my best friends, and I met *her* on OxRo!"
  • April 24th:  Masquerade met her boyfriend on Romance.ucam.org
  • April 22nd:  Romance.ucam.org can have unexpected consequences: Lady Penelope has "ended up with a God-son through the site".
  • April 13th:  Catherine writes that she has "found the love of my life!"
  • April 5th:  F has had "a fab two years on here and despite no long term partner have had excellent fun and would recomend (and have) to friends. cheers :-)"
  • April 2nd:  "We'd like to tell you the happy news...I met a lovely lady through this site in January and since then we have hardly spent a night apart ;-) We're very happy and grateful to you for keeping this entity running :-) Thanks a lot Cupid! - A and B
  • March 24th:  Claste has found her "Wilma Flintstone looking for a Betty Rubble to make a Bedrock ;)"
  • March 23rd:  newt and Jake "still seem to fancy each other lots, so it must be good". It is now "5 months so far and counting".
  • March 23rd:  Excellent news from J: "As one of the longest serving members of OxRo in some guise or another I had almost given up hope of finding someone with whom I clicked and managed anything more than a brief package-holiday-romance (that isn't counting the few friends I found on the site separate to the romance aspect). Then 'girl' came along and renewed my faith. Some months on and we have just returned from a romantic spring break"
  • March 22nd:  D and W have decided to make it official - so yes, a fine piece of oxro gossip for you I think! Seriously never thought I'd find someone who'd put up with my eccentricity, let alone love it. Thanks!
  • March 19th:  D doesn't have any 'gossip' but "I have b/f and just come on for intelligent conversation I have found plenty of that. There is much potential. Sigh. It never rains etc."
  • March 19th:  H says that she has "met lots of nice people from here, but about 2 or 3 weeks ago met up with one guy I got on really well with, turns out we used to go to school together, but he was 4 years above me so I didnt know him. I saw him a lot after the initial meeting, he came out with me and my friends, and then after a week or so he said how he felt, I felt the same way - very much an oxro success! I never thought I'd find a bf/gf on here, I was only ever really looking for random coffee dates/friends.
    [23/3/03: W adds: "...was 3 years above not 4!! I feel old enough as it is!!! grrrrr, will have to have words with a certain person..." and "[she] is the most amazing, gorgeous, fantastic non-depraved beautiful incredible girl in the whole world. (I either say that or get whipped again). And yes, I do love the abuse really"]
  • March 12th:  "Healer and Meow here. We met only a couple of weeks ago, and have just started going out :-) We're really happy together, and that's about all I can think of to say... and that's all that really matters. Yay! Cupid, thanks very much!
  • March 12th:  "Dear Cupid, it is my boyfriend's birthday this weekend and I would really appreciate if you could give us a mention in your "testimonials" section. We (that is, maestria and harry_p) met on OxRo about 13 months ago and immediately became friends. Our friendship got closer and we have been going out for five months now. We are inseparable even though we could not be more different but opposites really do seem to attract each other. A big thanks to the site- it has definetely made the two of us happy."
    (Actually, a little birdie had tipped us off to this already :-))
  • March 11th:  S writes "...Oh - and thanks for the arrows, they're working well! Hit me spot on a week ago....Found an amazing angel and have given up the art of being single"
  • March 10th:  Girlie writes: "Just wanna say....I have been with my boyfriend for almost 4 months now & I met him on here. It is no exaggeration when I say..HE IS MY SOUL-MATE and there is no way I would ever have met him had it not been for this! So thanks babe & I hope you find your lucky lady too!
    one very happy girlie XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    Thanks cupid!
    & thank your little band of cherubs from me & my perfect sexy boy for this site!
    bye byeee xxxxx"
  • March 9th:  Maybe we need a helpline!! S writes: "Bit of a strange request here...basically I've become addicted to this service and find myself wasting vast amounts of time on this, only thing is, everytime I delete an account, I start all over again in a matter of days. Daft I know, but, going to delete it one final time, and would like to request that I am permanently barred, please do this favour for me!
    (OK - consider yourself blocked...but of course, we'll welcome you back if you let me know!).
  • March 7th:  J "went looking for the wrong girl...and I think I found the right one."
  • March 7th:  A.A. says that: "All will be revealed as long as reassurances are received that I can make it sound a bit different to the rest of the testimonials. They are somewhat sickly sweet." (We're still waiting...)
  • March 6th:  MR says he has: "..found someone nice through oxfordromance and well I'm a finalist so ought to resist the evilness[sic] of the oxfordromance void"
  • February 28th:  T writes that she "Met a really nice guy on here last week!"
  • February 27th:  Invisible Man says: "Have found a lovely girl on OxRo, no longer needed!" When asked for more details, this was his reply: "Didn't expect too much when I first signed up - slightly sceptical as you'd expect but after only a brief stay on the site I found the girl who has everything I've been looking for - all my ideals rolled into one. Highly recommend the site to anyone who may be sceptical - nothing to lose and believe me - a whole lot to gain. Everything is going fantastic 1 month on and hope for lots more good times to come, thanks for your help!"
  • February 25th:  G, aka C.S., aka P.M. "has made 2 good friends, also have become beter friends with other as a result of OxRo.
  • February 21st:  To celebrate our millionth message, we sent the sender and recipient on a blind date to be be wined and dined at the exclusive Savannah restaurant. "I had a superb time, partly due to the place and partly due to the company", said the millionth message sender, A-F.
  • February 17th:  i says "I just wanted to tell you how fabulous this site is, because I haven't yet :)"
  • February 10th:  griglett includes the following in her profile: "...I am only really looking for blokes to be friends with because I have just met the man of my dreams...(yes an oxro success!)..."
  • January 22nd:  S says that "after being stood up more than once by people on here, I finally met someone really lovely. Fingers crossed I won't be online quite as much over the next few months...." (We wish her luck in her finals).
  • February 14th:  lyric left the site, saying "Thankfully, after about meeting up with about 5 different ladies, I have found a particularly pleasant one! I won't be needing OxRo anymore (!) but I'm in your debt. Thanks!
  • January 8th:  B departs saying "I have made one life-changing encounter through this website. Surely it would be tempting fate to ask for more!
  • January 5th:  CheekyChick writes: "Yep I've met the love of my life....thanks for everything. Byeee"
  • December 19th:  Sugar Plum Fairy deleted her account, with these parting words: "I have found what I'm looking for: T-Rex! And it's wonderful!"
  • December 13th:  G writes: "This was taking up too much of my time, and I was about to delete it permanently as a way of saving my academic career. But, at the last moment, luckily, I finally met someone great to boot. Thank you!
  • December 5th:  N says: "Well it's been over a month now and J and I still seem to fancy each other lots, so it must be good. Here's hoping. Thanks (and then some), n"
  • December 5th:  in response to the survey: $best_thing: It's so addictive!! Oh, and I met my blokey partially through it!!
    $worst_thing: It's so addictive!!
  • 2002:  R says: "I have found someone!"
  • November 30th:  Bu-huddy says: For the past 4 months, I have been with a young lady whom I was re-introduced to on this very site. I really don't see the need for the account anymore!!
    [Update: 25/03/03 Bu-huddy and Candy Heart have now "been together for 8 great months now (actually yesterday!)".]
  • November 26th:  C departs, saying: "Think now I'm a sad old grad the time has come to go. Have had some great blind dates from the site though - still emailing one of them from time to time. Keep it up Cupid. - A xxx " (Of course, she's back again soon enough!)
  • November 25th:  K writes that she has "met a really nice guy on here, and we've been going out for 2 months now. We met up just before I left Cambridge for a job - I've graduated, and planning to come back after this contract - and are managing to keep it going. Think we both went on the site as a joke originally, but things have worked out rather differently! Many, many thanks.
    Quite aside from meeting my man, I've made two very good friends on the site too....you do a brilliant job, which is sincerely appreciated."
  • November 23rd:  "The shady gentleman formerly known as Darren Rangement is now to be seen cheerily wandering about the college with CheekyChick, who is a lovely lady indeed. Excellence!" [Updated: 26th February 2002: "I am really leaving for good now - I'll be back if I'm single again. Not that that's likely to happen :)"]
  • November 22nd:  Remember the little birdie? Well, "Kitten and Llamaman have now been together for nearly 2 years...just as the little bird told you!"
  • November 2nd:  19th November: Oxford Romance's 2nd Engagement! We're really pleased to say that smalldemureandcheeky and Mr Cousteau got engaged over the weekend. She writes: "I was instantly drawn to his outdoor side and his admission that he was into bad dancing and was a bit insane!!! We met up one week later, got very drunk and have been inseparable ever since! He proposed on a crisp winter's day on Snowdon last Sunday which was extremely romantic and just over 3 months since we met on Oxford Romance. I never dreamed that I would meet my future husband on the internet but I knew it was right the moment we met. It is 'so 21st century'!!!! "
  • November 12th:  L says that she "would definitely buy you a drink to say thanks if I ever come across you..."
  • November 8th:  M has "found a lady friend. Whether or not she'll be the love of my life, I do't know. Time will tell. But for now I'm fairly chirpy! Cheers
  • October 22nd:  Foxy Minx "met an lovely guy...Very romantic..."
  • October 21st:  Cambridge's Secret Weapon: G.F. (temporarily) deleted her account "BECAUSE IM ADDICTED AND IM SPENDING EVERY SPARE MOMENT AND SOMETIMES EVEN NOT SPARE ONES ON OXFORD BLOODY ROMANCE!!! im going to fail my finals if i dont do this. i reckon you cambridge scum made this thing to keep oxford down in the league tables. i may even need therapy. Look, its 2.01 am and i have a nine o clock lecture tomorrow morning. WHAT IS GOING On???? oxford bloody romance. its killing me. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh. PS you are all cool and this site is clearly successful and highly dangerous for addictive personalities. i strongly suggest you USE the extreme addictive nature of the site to market it. "Warning: Highly addictive" but that would be to the detriment of my fellow students." High praise indeed :-)
  • October 16th:  Update - B and M (from April 25th) "have been together for 6 months now and all is going great."
  • October 10th:  C: "I found this site on the recommendation of a good friend sometime last year, and it's been great. Being a gay man who's not too fond of the "scene", it's not only allowed me to make some great friends, but it's given me the feeling that I'm not the only one! Thanks a lot, it's been great. And will continue to be so."
  • September 27th:  Someone (who shall remain nameless!) "got a shag out of this site...cheers..."
  • September 25th:  Dylan "met someone very lovely."
  • September 16th:  Lady Godiva writes: "to say a massive thankyou! After several O.R. frogs, have finally found my prince! We've been together for over 3 months now and are in love :) Awwwww! The site is wicked, user friendly and fun. Might think about deleting my advert soon...
  • September 11th:  N: "Hiya, found a bloke thanks!"
  • September 2nd:  Jayne: "Yes, it's because I've found the love of my life and no longer need you! More thanks than words can express... xxx"
  • September 1st:  Sometime over the summer: We have some really exciting news: X and Y are now married! They have asked us not to publish any more details. We wish them every happiness....
  • August 18th:  S.M.: "I've met a fantastic girl on here....But I still want to mess around on here, its such fun!!! The people are so funny!"
  • July 30th:  "Lourdes has found her Guy Ritchie and LonelyGuy26 is lonely no more! Dating since early June, both very happy and hope everyone else on this site is as lucky."
  • June 23rd:  Friendly Girl and Callipygian have now been going out for a year and 4 months. (See May 24th 2001).
  • June 21st:  Top Cat and Venus: Still going strong...romantic trip to Brussels...
  • June 20th:  AJ: "I've been a long time user of this great site, and owing to general apathy and long periods of not using it, have only met two women this way. Although the second of these could be described as 'unpleasant', the first was extraordinary. No, there was no romance, but she has turned out to be a wonderful and much loved friend who has enriched my life in indescribable ways; and to be honest I think I prefer it this way. Thanks RUO!"
  • June 19th:  FunkyMunky: "[I] have found romance and have no need for this service, however my time here was wonderful - it has brought me happiness and I am grateful."
  • June 15th:  P writes: "Hey Cupid! Be it known unto you and the other folk at OxRo that I've had a short, but mutually enjoyed relationship with one young lady whom I first contacted here. Keep up the good work!
  • June 14th:  Juliet: "found a partner through the site."
  • May 22nd:  AL writes: "I've started seeing someone who I met on the site, and although obviously as yet I don't know how well it'll work, I'd prefer not to remain on RUO". Goodbye, and good luck...
  • May 15th:  B and B.B. are a new item. B says "when Big Ben let me have a look at his (time)piece, I was sold...the handcuffs were put to good use and let's just say that this 'playful little minx' has most definitely found a man to satisfy her needs..."
  • May 12th:  Mary Poppins: "Just writing to let you know that I am sitting with my lovely boyfriend whom I met on your site and wanted to say a big thank you! We messaged on the Thursday, met on the Monday and had fallen head over heels for each other by the end of the week. I never thought I'd find someone so gorgeous and lovely and amazing on the internet....! Thank you so much! We'll send you an invite to the wedding :-)"
    Cupid had the pleasure to meet her while giving away RUO Helium Balloons at the Sidgwick Site on May 1st. This success story has actually been going on "about half a year now" - they "are very much in lurve....". The amusing part is that, apparently, her boyfriend has been too embarrassed to admit to meeting on RUO, and has been claiming it was Cindy's. Well, we can't let that pass - so now you all know the truth!
    May 12th: Mary says: "I am indeed leaving because I met the love of my life. So long, Cupid....(galloping off into sunset...)"
    May 14th: Irish says "I'm leaving because I've met someone, from this site! Thanks so much for a fantastic setup, and the last few months :)"
  • May 9th:  H leaves, saying "Found him!". We wish her luck....
  • May 9th:  Z left, saying "Hey dudes, it was a success - don't need to be here anymore! Four days, not bad. Cheers!"
  • May 8th:  S.L. writes: "Believe it or not, I have met a luscious man...don't know what's gonna happen, but don't have enough energy to keep up with this thing. Will prob use again, it's been really fun!! just not before exams, bit of a dodgy time to start getting 'sociable'...."
  • May 6th:  U "Met a fantastic girl through this site - your doing a great job, keep it up!"
  • May 1st:  OxfordRomance is the most popular site in Oxford! Computer-service figures show that we are 3rd only to the BBC and MSN, and within the University, we are ahead of the academic sites by some margin.
  • May 1st:  S leaves, saying "I think I may have met the love of my life."
    Shortly afterwards, L.M.T. leaves with "I've met the love of my life."
  • April 29th:  H says "I've found Mr right!"
  • April 25th:  Good news for Maz and Benji. Maz "was going to write something witty, but has no energy, as Maz and Benji have been together for 2 weeks now and I'll just say that sleep is a rare commodity these days ;) Just letting you know. Bye"
    Benji says "I'll just say that it's going very well and she's meeting the parents in a week's time. She's been the cause of much sleep deprivation!"
  • April 22nd:  T "Met a very nice girl. Thankyou!"
  • April 18th:  X "got laid within 3 days of joining."
  • March 20th:  P says: "You know what you are doing is much appreciated..I had the most fantastic time in Cambridge with a man I met on this site and who happened to be at my college too...It did not last unfortunately but that is only fair. Many thanks again..I will remember the night I actually cried here with so much joy.. and I thought about this web site..."
  • March 18th:  Just wanted to let you know that **** and I have been inseparable since we met. After a few false starts, the site has found my soul mate! And I wasn't even looking for love! Hurrah! Would like to stop and say a lot more about how great he is, but I'm going to drag him back to bed instead...
  • March 1st:  Just writing to let you of a success story from the site - on Friday night I went for a drink with [snip]. We went to the Zodaic and stayed for about an hour - since that time we've been out of bed for maybe about 4 hours. I'm seeing her again on [snip] and [snip] - don't think either of us will need to use OxRo for a while ;-) Thanks.
  • February 14th:  Valentine's Day 14th February: Wonderful news from Top Cat who writes:
    "Hi Cupid, Thought I'd send you a message to let you know that we (Top Cat and Venus) who found love last term through your website are still together, more in love with every day that passes, and enjoying very much our first meaningful Valentine's Day together. We still can't thank you enough for what you have done, and we hope more lonesome couples in Cambridge find the same happiness through your work. Hope the website problems are solved soon...Cambridge students just can't manage without you!
    Keep up your good work, Top Cat & Venus"
  • February 1st:  A again: " I started using this site completely by accident - I dropped down the the URL address banner (to use email) on one of the computers in the UL(!) - and I have had a great time since : ))
    I met four guys: two that I really liked but didn't want to get horizontal with.... and the others were really hot : ) I had two of the best experinces of my life, sexual and non-sexual. This site is exxxcelllent! Far better than any chat room because their is no rush. Use it!"
  • February 1st:  A says "Used sensibly, this site is wonderful! :-) I've had two of my best experiences of **my life** - in one week. I was so happy, left reeling from the heat :-)"
  • November 30th:  X and Y met up for coffee and later went to a nightclub. They are seeing one-another again... X comments on Romance.ucam.org "this really was a clever idea by you guys - much needed as well!"
  • October 17th:  Venus left, saying: "You have probably heard of our success story (Top Cat and Venus) so you've done your job! Thank you so much!"
  • October 16th:  JFF "met her last boyfriend here and went out with him for 7 months..."
  • June 26th:  'Mr Indie' "joined RUO for a laugh, and very quickly found an advert by a charming girl whose requirements I seemed to meet exactly. I couldn't pass this one up, and before I knew what was happenning, RUO became the vehicle for online conversations that lasted for hours. It was not long before our first 'date' and, since then, she has proved to be everything that I was looking for too..."
    They have been together for over a month already.
  • 2001:  Me :) is now exceedingly happy! "I didn't have time for a long-term relationship because I've got work to do, and so I wasn't looking for romance, but lots of really interesting guys contacted me....one of them worked out, and thus 'mission accomplished' ".
  • May 24th:  Friendly Girl says: "I met my boyfriend three months ago on RUO and it still seems to be going brilliantly! I would never have met him without RUO as I'm an Undergrad and he's a Grad and we both do different subjects and are at different colleges. I just like to say thanks for setting up the service and wish everyone else good luck in the future!"
  • May 1st:  "I just thought you should know that life is wonderful. Started chatting a couple of weeks ago with someone who will be known as P...got on really well so met up for a drink, had a fabulous evening and have seen each other most days since. Never thought this would actually work; but it's delivered someone who is perfect for me. We do different subjects in different colleges with different hobbies, so would never have met if it wasn't for your website.
    So, thanks - 'C'
  • May 1st:  A little birdie tells us "Yeah have heard loads of gossip! L-A is going out with Ford prefect!".
  • May 1st:  "I'm deleting [my account] because I really need to get on with work for the finals and this thing is way too addictive. I've had some great dates from the site all of whom ranged from pretty good to absolutely stunning and I think the site is a great idea - much needed in this God-forsaken place."
  • April 20th:  S says: "I have found happiness and love. Thank you RUO." We wish her good luck!
  • March 30th:  30th March: Another wonderful piece of news from a little birdie:
    "I live in a house with 2 mates. One of them is currently on his second girl from Romance.ucam.org. The first was just a quick fling, but his latest catch has lasted somewhat longer. They've basically been living together for the past 3 months - I think they've hardly spent a night apart. She has become a part of our house, and when my friend went away for a week, she stayed here more than she stayed in her own room! They're a wonderful couple and a testament to the success of your website, so keep it up...."
  • March 14th:  T and S are now a happy pair! T writes: I thought I ought to write to you as the creator of this heaven-sent dating site...... I have now acquired a girl-friend who is the most special person I have ever known, thanks to "meeting" her on your site!! Great invention!
    We asked him to tell the story:
    "I saw a poster for RUO in my college JCR and just thought I'd join up for the sake of it really, I never thought anything would come of it. But I was casually looking through the "females seeking males" adverts and I found one that sounded suitable, so I started corresponding with this girl - certainly I was quite happy to just acquire a new friend if nothing else. Within a week, we had exchanged real names and e-mail addresses and then soon after, we met up. By the end of the second date we had well and truly 'clicked' and, despite a month apart in the holidays, don't intend to look back! So we both feel unbelievably lucky and I guess that our luck is partly due to RUO."
  • February 1st:  An informant, LM tells us that "Did you hear that one of my friends Mrs X has got together with a character called C on the site? They seem really happy at the moment :)"
    Mrs X has now left RUO, saying "I found a lovely man on the site so I think that staying on-line to find another one would just be greedy! Thanks, this is a really good idea!   - X"
    C tells us "Just thought I'd let you know that I think the site is excellent. I met up with a great girl through the RUO over 4 weeks ago now and we are still together so that just goes to prove that it all works, despite what people may say. Valentines day was fun this year thanks to RUO!    - C"
  • January 1st:  We are informed that "S and B have hit it off and are apparently quite smitten with each other - ahh bless :)"
  • 2001:  "I've met 3 ladies so far this term. All charming" We've had a great deal of fun!   - D
  • 2001:  "A great idea, well implemented, good way to meet new people, and lots of fun. Every town should have a website like this!"
  • 2001:  "Most of the users are students here, so I feel safer meeting people from the site than if I were to meet someone from, say, a newspaper equivalent (which I don't think I'd do for safety reasons)."
  • 2001:  "I have got someone in mind...early days though"
  • 2000:  "I have just had the best and most adventurous weekend of my life - Thanks!"
  • 2000:  "F has a secret (from us, anyway) admirer....."
  • 2000:  "It's what Cambridge has been crying out for, and has been of seriously major benefit to many single students round town. And it's free (unlike other meeting facilities)."
  • 2000:  "Ruo is friendly and approachable"
  • 2000:  "The site is brilliant"
  • 2000:  "I got laid within 5 hours of joining - hurrah!"

If OxfordRomance has helped any aspect of your life, please let us know (of course we'll anonymise any details if you wish).

The following statistics are ancient! They need re-analysing... In the meantime, for interest, way back in Lent 2001, Romance.ucam.org was getting 400 logins, 600 messages and over 15,000 page views per day. This makes it is now the most popular student-run website in Cambridge by some margin.
[The current statistics are here.]

Here are our web-traffic statistics for the lent term 2001:
