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Frequently Asked Questions

This section is part of the Romance.ucam.org online help system. (show contents). You can also view the entire document as a single very long page.

How does the LoveWeb work?


For more information, click LoveWeb. This is a centralised "flirt register" of who fancies whom. If a match ever occurs, we put you in touch. If you list someone who is also a member of Romance.ucam.org, they will be notified "someone fancies you", but they will NOT have any way to identify who fancies them, except by listing the people who they themselves fancy. [show maths].
Note: To use the LoveWeb, both you and the object of your desire must have an email address ending in ''@cam.ac.uk''. It is to your advantage to sign up with your most obvious email address, if you have more than one.

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