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Headline:In Love with Life!
Category:Male seeking male, age: 27
Other:Non-smoker,  Height: 166 (5'5")
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 Additional attributes:
Looks:Short, straight, black hair and brown eyes
Myers Briggs Type Indicator:
I/E = Introversion ↔ Extraversion
S/N = Sensing ↔ iNtution
T/F = Thinking ↔ Feeling
J/P = Judging ↔ Perceiving
x/X = Moderately or Strongly
enTJ: Extraversion (moderate), Intution (moderate), Thinking, Judging
Myers Briggs Type Indicator:
I/E = Introversion ↔ Extraversion
S/N = Sensing ↔ iNtution
T/F = Thinking ↔ Feeling
J/P = Judging ↔ Perceiving
x/X = Moderately or Strongly
Subject:Science (physical)
Music:Classical, Romantic, Folk
Humour:Puns, Erudite allusions
Tango's current relationship status (traffic-light)
Green - Come and get me...!
Tango's current relationship status (traffic-light)
Tango's favourite cuisine, beverage, and ice-cream flavour
I can cook
Tango's favourite cuisine, beverage, and ice-cream flavour
Operating System of choice
Linux (Debian-like)
Operating System of choice
Tango interprets 'Come back for coffee' to mean:
I shall be happy to walk you home.
Tango interprets 'Come back for coffee' to mean:
The effect of alcohol is  to make Tango...
The effect of alcohol is  to make Tango...

I was recently asked what I meant by 'heady' in the 'type of relationship'. Well, until I get down to filling this up more completely, let me just say:

"Heady" means exciting, making one lose one's sense of time, stretching into the infinite past and future, yet very real and very present... as a chilly wind, the smell of freshly soaked earth, equally powerful as thunderstorms and flowers, echoing music chanted in caverns by babbling brooks in springtime, flowing into the minds of the Natural, mingling, evoking, caressing, rising like the spray of a waterfall, enthusing, enlightening, and
... bringing Joy;

I live in the present, fully aware of myself. I am my strengths and my weaknesses, I am my desires and my ignorance. Constantly evolving, changing like the clouds, yet ever remaining the same: Growing in mind, body and spirit is my aim...

I am a Physicist, musician, poet, linguist and more yet, ... yet on a voyage of discovery.

a waltz, exploding stars, Palestrina, sonatas, Thunderstorms
